Art News

Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art


Where I am: A Powerful Gathering of Women from the Collection

Exhibition Place: Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art

Exhibition Period:20 August 2024 - 8 December 2024Exhibition Hours: 10:00~18:00

*Admission is allowed until 30 minutes before closing.

Closed Date: Mondays 

Entrance Fee: adults 500yen, university students 400yen, Free for high school students and below

Introduce: This collection exhibition, held in four galleries and linked to the special exhibition ‘Ishioka Eiko I Eye Design’ (28 Sep. - 1 Dec.), displays the works of about 60 female artists, who account for about 10% of the artists in the museum's collection, and deepens understanding of contemporary gender theory through works depicting women. The exhibition will also include works depicting women in order to deepen understanding of contemporary gender theory.