How to Sell

We at Jo’s Auction accept a wide range of works such as Chinese paintings and writings, antiques, contemporary art,
Buddhist art, ancient writings, rubbing, modern oil paintings, water color, printing, Japanese contemporary art,
pottery, bronze ware, stationary, Buddhist statue, lacquer ware, tea set, Meiji artifact, etc.

  • Free Evaluation

    Submit a picture of the exhibit by e-mail or mail. (pictures sent in by mail will not be returned)
    Exhibit application

  • Contract

    We will accept your exhibit after a contract in which the estimate evaluation of the exhibit and other expenses are agreed upon.

    【Expense for exhibit】
    ・Commission for exhibit: 12% of auction price (without tax)
    ・Insurance fee: 1% of auction price
    ・Catalog listing fee (photography, production fee included)

    ・China Union Pay card commission : should the winning buyer pay with China Union Pay card, the seller will be responsible for paying a portion of the commission.
    ・Framing and storage box fee

    *The seller will not be charged for any expense should the exhibit be unsold.

  • Publicity

    The auction will be publicized through catalog distribution, advertisement, website, etc.

  • Inspection tour

    A preliminary inspection tour will be organized for the bidders to verify the actual exhibit.
    (An inspection tour that can be viewed online will be arranged for online auctions.)

  • Auction

    The exhibits will be auctioned according to the order of listing in the catalog. Bids will be made not only by the customers who are present but also many bids are placed through document, telephone, and online.

  • Payment

    Payment will be made to your specified account after a lapse of 35 days after the bid has been closed.
    Should the exhibit be unsold, the exhibit will be returned to the seller.

Send pictures and articles to

Jo’s Auction Exhibit Receptionist
SoWAs Bldg.7F 9-10 Nozaki-cho Kita-ku, Osaka, Japan 530-0055
TEL: +81-6-6312-8718


Contact information for any inquiries concerning submission are as bellow:
TEL: +81-6-6312-8718 (Weekdays 9:00am to 6:00pm)

Contact us

  • Inquiries for auctions
  • Inquires for the CA Gallery
  • Inquires for the museum
  • Inquires for art books and reference materials
  • Inquires for art news
  • Others
Contact Us