YOKOYAMA TAIKAN Higashiyama in Misty Rain

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    ink on Japanese paper framed 1947年作
    signed and stamped signature
    Publication: "Great Japanese Masters Who Built History No.1: Yokoyama Taikan" P.44, Bijutsu-Nenkansha Co.,Ltd., 1985
    (supervised by the Yokoyama Taikan Memorial Hall)
    accompanied by a box lid: titled, signed and stamped signature
    registered with the Yokoyama Taikan Memorial Hall
    YOKOYAMA TAIKAN, a master of modern Japanese painting, aimed to innovate Japanese painting and contributed to the establishment of the Japan Art Institute together with OKAKURA TENSHIN. His works are characterized by bold compositions that break away from the conventional boundaries of Japanese painting and by a distinctive blurring technique. He is particularly known for his style called "Mōrōtai" (blurred style), which excels in depicting mist and haze. He also created many works featuring Mount Fuji.

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YOKOYAMA TAIKAN Higashiyama in Misty Rain

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