Wang Nian

  • relevant artists

    • Chen Tianran

    • Chao Rui

    • Luo Jichang

    • Chen Shuliang

    • Liu Zhiyong

      Liu Zhiyong, courtesy name is Yungu, art name is Yunlai, Yunxi, Yunbai, Liu Xianke, Tiantai Xianke, Xishu Manshi, Lou Sang people and so on. Born in Sichuan Province, used to work as a special librarian of Tianjin Institute of Culture and History and special painter of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts. Also, a member of China Artists Association and member of Chinese Calligraphers Association.

    • Hai Xiao

    • Wang Zhilin

      Wang Zhilin (王之麟), was a minister of the Ministry of Justice, a counsellor in Shandong, and a governor of Fuzhou Prefecture in the Ming Dynasty.

    • Zhao Youdi

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