Chen Yinxie

  • relevant artists

    • Yang Shiran

    • Zheng Chengyang

      Zheng Chengyang, born in Puning, Hongdong Province. Most of his works are painting of Qiaoxinag’s scenery.He is good at painting southern Chinese landscapes and water buffalo paintings, and paints pictures that make you feel nostalgic for hometown. Studied under Wu Jingting, Zhang Anzhi, Bai Xueshi, Wu Guanzhong, Wei Tianlin, Gao Guanhua, Yu Zhizhen. Graduated Department of Chinese Painting, Beijing Art Academy in 1961. He is a member of the China Artists Association, a senior artist at the Shenzhen Painting Academy, and a member of the National Overseas Association Promotion Committee.

    • Li Wanyong

    • Kim Gyujin

      Kim Kyu-jin, a Korean painter. His name is Haigang, and he is also known as Master of Wan Twelve Thousand Peaks, Pu Weng, etc. He is good at landscapes, flowers and birds, and ink orchids.

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