Wang Ti
Wang Fu'an formerly known as Shouqi, later changed his name to Weiji, with the name of Fu'an and the name of Xing. Don't take care of stone farmers, Weiji, Quhu, Yinmai, stone slaves and luocha Jiangmin. They are reticent in nature, and they have long been known as silent and after seventy, they call themselves silent old people.
The works at the auction house
Wang Ti Calligraphy
OrganizerJo's Auction
Date 2025/02/27
JPY 10,000 - 30,000Result
Closed Auctions
Wang Ti Calligraphy in Clerical Script
OrganizerJo's Auction
Date 2024/06/26
JPY 10,000 - 30,000Result
Closed Auctions
Wang Ti Eight-character Couplet in Seal Script
OrganizerJo's Auction
Date 2024/04/17
JPY 200,000 - 300,000Result
Closed Auctions
Wang Ti Poem in Seal Script
OrganizerJo's Auction
Date 2023/06/14
JPY 10,000 - 30,000Result
Closed Auctions
Wang Ti Five-character Poem in Clerical Script
OrganizerJo's Auction
Date 2023/04/20
JPY 100,000 - 200,000Result
Closed Auctions
Wang Ti Calligraphy in Clerical Script
OrganizerJo's Auction
Date 2022/12/15
JPY 10,000 - 30,000Result
Closed Auctions
Wang Ti Calligraphy in Seal Script
OrganizerJo's Auction
Date 2022/12/15
JPY 10,000 - 30,000Result
Closed Auctions
Wang Ti Calligraphy in Clerical Script
OrganizerJo's Auction
Date 2022/05/25
JPY 10,000 - 30,000Result
Closed Auctions