Wu Zuozhang

  • Wu Zuozhang, with the courtesy name as Wenjie and the art name as Linyun Shanren was born in Xuzhou and a Tai student. He is a painter of calligraphy, a poet of the Kinshi family, and an epigrapher. He is famous for his calligraphy such as "Ziguan Jiangnan" and "Jiangnan Caosheng". His name in painting was Xu Huai, and he became the founder of Xu Huai's large sketch paintings. His name is Huaibei Fuxian. His paintings and calligraphy are excellent, and he was sometimes called 'Shenbi Wu Zuozhang'. He had a strong influence on Xu Huai and Longcheng and founded the Longcheng School of Painting.

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