Ma Yuanqin
Ma Yuanqin with the courtesy name as Dianqin, the art name as SanFeng is a person from the Qing dynasty. He specializes in ink landscape painting and white drawing figure painting. He is called "Ma Dian Pu" by the people.
The works at the auction house
Ma Yuanqin Landscape
OrganizerJo's Auction
Date 2025/02/27
JPY 30,000 - 60,000Result
Closed Auctions
Ma Yuanqin Figure
OrganizerJo's Auction
Date 2024/12/18
JPY 30,000 - 50,000Result
Closed Auctions
Ma Yuanqin Figure
OrganizerJo's Auction
Date 2024/12/18
JPY 220,000 - 280,000Result
Closed Auctions
Ma Yuanqin Figure
OrganizerJo's Auction
Date 2022/11/28
JPY 30,000 - 80,000Result
Closed Auctions