Li Jishen

  • Li Jishen, character Ren Chao, was born in Cangwu County, Guangxi Province, and was originally from Jiangsu. He is a Chinese Kuomintang soldier, politician, and first-class general of the Republic of China Army. He teaches at Huangpu Military Academy. The northern expedition supports the 4.12 Incident of Jiang Zhongzheng. However, after that, they were opposed to each other, and around the time of the Fujian Incident, they established the People's Revolutionary Government of the Republic of China and served as its chairman. In 1948, he founded the Chinese Kuomintang Revolutionary Committee and served as its chairman. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as vice chairman of the Central People's Government, vice chairman of the National People's Grand Standing Committee, and vice chairman of the National Political Conference.

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