Kano Motoshin

  • Kano Motobuko, a late Muromachi painter in Japan. The second generation of Kano School. He was the eldest son of Masanobu, the founder of the Kano School. Commonly known as Shiro Jiro and Ochiro. It is said that he served as the imperial painter of the Muromachi Shogunate. In the 12th year of Tianwen (1543), he made the murals of the small imperial palace in the inner (forbidden center) (the common name of the barrier paintings and the murals), and he also directed the disciples to make the murals of the Ishiyama Hongan Temple. Yuan Xinguang studied various styles of Chinese painting, and also adopted Japanese genre paintings (Yamato-e), trying to combine the strengths of both. Its concise style is regarded as the prototype of Momoyama's painting. Representative works include the coat painting of the guest hall of the Daxianyuan of Dade Temple (around 1513), the coat of the old abbot of the Lingyunyuan of Miaoxin Temple (1543), and the origin of Qingliang Temple. Original old flame, back from Japan.

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