Art News

TOKYO Opera City Art Gallery


Toko Shinoda:a retrospective

Exhibition Place: TOKYO Opera City Art Gallery
Exhibition Period: April 16th – June 22nd, 2022
Exhibition Hours:11:00-19:00 (Admission is until 18:30)
Introduce: Through more than 70 years of activity, Toko Shinoda pioneered the realm of unique abstract expression with ink from avant-garde books, and continued to explore while protecting the position of loneliness.
Born in Dalian, China and raised in Tokyo, Shinoda devoted himself to the world of calligraphy in search of an independent way of life. Shortly after the war, he moved to New York alone over the age of 40 and greatly expanded his field of activity. Shinoda's expression gained a great deal of attention and acclaim as Western abstract art and Japanese avant-garde books resonated at the forefront of the times in this era of enthusiasm for new expressions.
This exhibition, which is held one year after the death of the artist who passed away at the age of 107, introduces the whole picture of Momoko's long-standing activities with about 130 works and materials. From a modern perspective to verifies its wide range and modernity.