Art News

Memorial Museum of Arts,Izumi


Portraits of Modern China—Living in Art Works

Exhibition Place: Memorial Museum of Arts,Izumi
Exhibition Period: June 15 (Tue.), 2021 – August 15 (Sun.)
Exhibition Hours: 10:00-17:00 (admission until 16:30);Closed Mondays (but, August 9 is opening)
Introduce:50 portrait pieces created from the Qing Dynasty to the modern age (mid 19th to mid 20th centuries) will be exhibited from our second generation Kuboso Collection and Chinese modern art collection (Teiseido Collection) donated by Hayashi Munetake. Many Chinese painters at that time not only learned the traditional style but were also influenced by new theories and techniques from Western countries, as well as Japan, during a time of rapid and radical social change brought about by modernization. The displays will include portraits that introduce subjects from all walks of life, from famous Taoists and Buddhists, to hermits living a secluded existence, and ordinary men, women and children.