Art News

Nakanoshima Kosetsu Museum of Art


Special Exhibition「Paintings of the Tale of Genji——through Works Attributed to Tosa Mitsunobu」

Nakanoshima Kosetsu Museum of Art

◆Exhibition Period:

January 30, 2021 (Sat) ~ March 14, 2021 (Sun)

1.January 30 (Sat) ~ February 21 (Sun)

2.February 23 (Tuesday) ~ March 14 (Sun)

◆Exhibition Hours:

10: 00-17: 00(admission is until 4:30 pm);Closed Mondays

◆Admission Fee:

Regular ticket1,100 (900) yen, university/high school 700 (500) yen, middle school/elementary school student 400 (200)yen

* Visitors with disability and one person accompanying them are admitted free of charge. (Please present certificate at the admission.)