Art News

Tokyo National Museum・Calligraphy Museum


WenZhengming and his Era

Wen Zhengming (1470–1559) was a prominent painter and calligrapher of the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644). He was born in Suzhou and became one of the leading members of the Wu School, a group of scholars who viewed their artworks as vehicles for personal expression. Wen initially was a poor calligrapher, who failed the imperial examinations on multiple occasions. However, he tirelessly pursued both art and scholarship, and his talents eventually blossomed. His refined painting and calligraphy rooted in the classics gained many followers in his lifetime, and exerted a tremendous influence on later generations. In this exhibition we are commemorating Wen’s 550th birthday with his painting and calligraphy.

◆Exhibition Period:

Tokyo National Museum:January 2nd (Thu) – March 1st (Sun), 2020

Calligraphy Museum:January 4th (Sat) – March 1st (Sun), 2020

◆Exhibition Hours:

Tokyo National Museum:9:30 – 17:00 (Last admission at 16:30)
※Open until 21:00 on Fridays and Saturdays.

Calligraphy Museum:9:30 – 16:30 (Last admission at 16:00)


(Open on Mondays that fall on national holidays, in which case the museum is closed on following day)


Tokyo National Museum and Calligraphy Museum

◆Admission Fee:

Tokyo National Museum |

Adults: 620 (520) yen
University Students: 410 (310) yen
High/Junior High/Elementary School Students and persons under 18 and over 70: Free

* ( ) indicate prices for those in groups of 20 or more.
* Special exhibitions require a separate admission fee.
* Persons with disability and one person accompanying them are admitted free of charge.
* Regular admission is free for persons under 18 and over 70. Please show proof of age (driver's license, passport, etc.) when entering.
* Group rates for regular exhibition apply to adults and students (up to two persons per child) accompanied by children (High school students and younger)
* Free admission to regular exhibitions on International Museum Day (May 18, for 2019), Respect for the Aged Day (the third Monday of September: September 16 for 2019).

Calligraphy Museum |

Adults: 500 (300) yen
Small, medium, high school students: 250 (150) yen

* ( )  indicate prices for those in groups of 20 or more.
* Persons with disability and one person accompanying them are admitted free of charge.
* Saturdays Taito living, studying the small, junior high school students and its discount rate's admission is free .
* Specific disease medical care recipient certificate presenter and their caregivers is free.

For more details:Tokyo National Museum,Calligraphy Museum(Japanese)