Art News

Mino Ceramic Art Museum, Tajimi


Treasures from across the Sea -Chinese Paintings in the Collection of the Kosetsu Museum of Art-

Exhibition Place:Mino Ceramic Art Museum,Tajimi

Exhibition Peraturday: June 17, 2023 to July 30, 2023  

Exhibition Hours:10:00~17:00(Admission until 16:30)

Introduce:The Yamamoto Collection is a valuable resource that provides a broad overview of the history of Chinese ceramics, covering a wide range of periods, from the Neolithic period to the porcelain of the Qing and Republic of China periods.This time, about 20 years after it became a collection of the museum, we decided to exhibit it as an important material that captures the influence on Mino ware while reviewing the value of the collection again.Enjoy the magnificent world of Chinese ceramics while rediscovering the influence of Mino ware through this collection.