Art News

MoMAK The National Museum of Modern Art,Kyoto


Re: Start Line 1963-1970/2023 Sympathetic relationship between museums and artists as seen in the contemporary art trends exhibition series

Exhibition Place:MoMAK The National Museum of Modern Art,Kyoto

Exhibition Peraturday:2023.04.28 fri. - 07.02 sun.

Exhibition Hours:10:00 - 18:00 (Admission until 17:30)

Introduce:"Trends in Contemporary Art" is a series of fixed-point observational group exhibitions held annually from 1963, when the National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto opened, to 1970.In this exhibition, 66 of the 293 groups of exhibiting artists presented their main works or related works, documentary photographs, and archive materials related to the exhibition, connecting the museum and the artists in the 1960s. We will verify the starting line of the art scene.